Anthozoan is slash to all mixing at Network for the friend, it is one side banner. 珊瑚虫对于所有混迹于网络的朋友来说,就是一面旗帜。
Reliability optimal design of mixing shaft in big power aeration machine based on artificial neural network 基于人工神经网络曝气机搅拌轴可靠性优化设计
Silk Thread Control Mixing System Based on the MPI Network Correspondence 基于MPI网络通信的混丝线控制系统
By taking the properties and use levels of raw materials, and mixing technology of the concrete as input units, while taking required properties of the concrete as output units, the B-P network could be trained and checked; 以混凝土原材料和制作工艺作为输入单元,混凝土最终性能指标作为输出单元,训练、测试BP神经网络,并检验其可靠性;
Post by-pass mixing model for the residence time distribution in gasifier is constructed based on the network synthesis technique and the explicit mathematic equation of that has been obtained. 利用网络合成技术,构筑了停留时间分布的后短路T混合模型,得到了停留时间分布密度函数的显式数学表达式;
The artificial neural network's forecasting result can be gained when data that are dosage of ingredient by calculating in the mixing ratio design principles are input into trained network. 这样可以在实际施工中考虑配合比设计原则,初步确定各组分的用量,然后将初步确定的数据输入训练好的网络中,可以得到网络的预测结果。
The mixing plane method and personal computer network parallel computational technique were employed to transfer parameters between rotor and stator cascades. 叶列间参数的传递采用混合平面方法并应用了微机网络并行计算技术。
Multisense Information mixing System Based on Round Nerve Network 基于循环神经网络的多传感信息融合系统的应用
In this paper the topology structure of the radio signal mixing network unit which is a important part of the telecommunication simulating test system is described. 介绍了一种可用于通信系统仿真试验的部件&射频信号混合网络,和它的拓扑结构,建立了其数学模型。
Research on Mixing Station Locating in Road Network Curing without Consideration to Material Yard 不考虑料场情况下路网养护中的拌和站选址研究
The performance analysis of WDM network with limited-range wavelength converters, which includes XGM and FWM ( Four-Wave Mixing) wavelength converters; XGM和FWM(Four-WaveMixing,四波混频)有限范围波长变换器网络的性能分析;
This article expounds the necessity of mixing the network education with the vocational education and the feasibility of building network vocational education system from the angle of the study method of network education. 本文从网络教育学习方式入手,通过对国内外网络职业教育研究工作的现状分析,阐述了将网络教育与职业教育有机融合的必要性以及构建网络职业教育体系的可行性途径。
An implementation of audio streaming capture and mixing multiple audio streaming on network based on DirectSound tech-nology. 给出了一个如何使用DirectSound技术实现音频流的捕获并实现网络上多路声音混合的方案。
LPG-Air Mixing Supply Scheme and Pipeline Network Changing to Replace Coal Gas Air(初三适用)煤制气改供LPG混空气方案选择及管网改造
For this purpose, a multipoint real time speech mixing and scheduling algorithm based on packet network is put forward and then realized. 为此,提出并实现了一种基于分组网络的多点实时语音混合及调度算法。
According to the requirements and the basic network condition, the mixing structure of C/ S model and B/ S model is developed and adopted by Environmental Protection Network Information System of Yanzhou Mining Company and the technologies of XML Web Service and ASP. 根据工作需要以及网络基础设施条件,兖矿集团公司环保网络信息系统开发采用了C/S+B/S混合模式结构,在开发平台上选取了.NET,利用。
On the basis of it, this thesis sets up the Vehicle Routing Problem model of distribution based on green logistics by integer of mixing planning, after considering the logistics network of distribution and picking-up. 在此基础上,综合考虑物流的正向配送与逆向回收网络,运用混合整数规划方法,建立了基于绿色物流理念的车辆路径优化问题模型。
This paper introduces a mixing technology and control method utilizing ratio valve with floating orifice and its application in LPG medium-pressure network. 介绍了一种利用浮动孔口比例阀开发的混气工艺和控制方法,以及在LPG城市中压管网上的应用。
Design and Implementation of a CAN/ LIN Gateway in Automotive Mixing Body Network 车身混合网络中CAN/LIN网关的设计与实现
Prediction and analysis for bearing capacity of cement mixing pile composite foundation with BP Network BP网络对粉喷桩复合地基承载力的预测分析
The Orthogonal table mixing with the Uniform table was proposed to specify the specimens for neural network, which improved the precision of prediction and decreased the test numbers. 确定样本的新方法不仅能保证选取的样本具有取点均衡、整齐可比和在整个样本空间内均匀散布等特点,而且提高了神经网络的预测精度,并大大降低了试验次数。
The operating mode of mixing running involving high and middle speed trains on Jing Hu high speed railway line, it is recognized that the train working diagram of Jing Hu high speed railway line should not be worked out without the existing railway network. 我国拟建的京沪高速铁路运营初期采用高、中速列车混行的运营模式决定了高速铁路列车运行图不能脱离既有路网单独编制。
The mixing adjustment model with systematical parameters is applied in adjustment of position traverse control network with systematical error of distance measurement. The rationality of adjustment model is validated by calculating the measure data. 将附加系统参数的平差模型应用于带有测距系统误差的阵地导线网平差,即增设尺度比参数的阵地导线网平差,并用实测数据验证了平差方法的合理性。
While two mixing signals are input, the singular PI neural network is used to separate signals. 对输入2个混叠信号时,用单个PI神经网络分离;
The sewage pipe, rain water pipe, combined system and mixing system are integrated as a drainage network, and one set of procedures can complete the optimization design calculation for drainage network with different systems. 将污水、雨水、合流制管网及混合管网统一为排水管网,用一套程序同时完成各种体制的排水管网的优化设计计算。
Numerical analysis of maths model of radio signal mixing network 射频信号混合网络数学模型数值分析
With the CAN LIN mixing network being applied in automotive body control system widely, to interconnect two kinds of network, a design of CAN/ LIN Gateway is put forward, and the particular hardware software implementation of the gateway is giv-en in the article. 随着CAN、LIN混合网络在汽车车身控制系统中广泛的应用,为了解决不同性质网络的互连问题,本文提出了CAN/LIN网关的一种设计方案,详细地给出了该网关硬件、软件的实现方法。
Non-isothermal mixing inside unit operations between freshwater and reuse water is considered. The mathematical model of multiple-contaminants water network is improved. An improved PSO optimization is proposed for optimizing an example. 该方法考虑了进入用水单元的新鲜水和回用水之间的非等温混合,提出了改进的多杂质体系水网络和换热网络的数学模型,并采用无进化次数的改进PSO算法对实例进行求解。
The third-order nonlinear effects, including self-phase modulation, cross-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, stimulated Raman scattering and stimulated Brillouin scattering, etc., have been extensively studied and applied in the high-speed, all-fiber network. 三阶非线性效应包括自相位调制、交叉相位调制、四波混频、受激拉曼散射和受激布里渊散射等,已经被广泛地研究和应用在高速、全光纤网络中。
Through analysis and studying the existing fault diagnosis theories, it has designed reasonable control mechanism with mixing of deep and shallow knowledge. At the same time, nerve network diagnosis technology will be embedded. 在分析和学习现有故障诊断推理策略的基础上,设计了深、浅知识混合推理控制机制,同时还拟嵌入人工神经网络诊断推理技术。